
Performing Basic Maintenance To Keep Your Home Safe

We all want to live in a safe home. That’s why it pays to take the time to ensure your house is protected. Whether through regular maintenance, the addition of security measures, or simply by keeping an eye out for issues that can raise red flags, you can keep your home guarded well. When performing basic maintenance to keep your home safe, just know that a little bit of prevention goes a very long way.

Stop the Fires Before It Starts

Fortunately, we live in an era where there are fewer ways for fires to start. Electric and gas furnaces avoid the potential flammable and explosive effects of old-time oil- and coal-fueled heating systems. Paints, fabrics, and other household materials are often fire resistant or fire retardant. But you still need to take steps to fight fires before they start. Every month, perform regular checks of your smoke detectors, add new batteries if needed, and make sure fire extinguishers are fully charged.

Look for Leaks

Water is your friend and your home’s enemy. It’s your friend because you need it for cooking, cleaning, drinking, and doing other tasks. It’s your home’s enemy because water can do tremendous damage to its structure, whether it falls from the skies or leaks out of your pipes. Have your roof inspected periodically to ensure rain and snow aren’t finding their way in and rotting your home’s wood from the inside out. Likewise, inspect exposed pipes for cracks and leaks around the joints and watch for water spots on the ceilings and walls. Even a slight leak can destroy a huge part of your home.

Watch the Wires

When performing basic maintenance to keep your home safe, don’t forget to look after your home’s electrical systems. If you’re experiencing frequent blackouts from tripped circuits, check your circuit breaker box for any signs of short outs, such as burn marks and the like. Wires in your walls should remain contained within conduit pipes and not exposed. If you see loose wires anywhere, ensure that rodents or other pests haven’t chewed them. Leave electrical work to the professionals and have an electrician perform an inspection and any repairs.

Secure the Hatches!

You lock your doors and latch your windows, but have you looked for other means of entry for potential home invaders and pests? Ensure you haven’t neglected the security of your basement. Window wells can provide thieves with easy access to your home if you leave them unlocked. Second-story windows aren’t impregnable either if you leave them open and absent-mindedly provide a trellis, ladder, or another way to access them. Add motion-detector lights to all points of entry and consider installing a camera trained on your front door to further discourage anyone from considering breaking and entering.

Preparation is half the battle. Give your home the once-over (and then do so again) to keep it safe and secure!

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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