
Home Upgrades To Take Advantage of During Renovation

There’s an endless list of things that embarking on a significant home remodel entails. And we often get so caught up in the contracts, time frames, and costs that we forget about all the fun and exciting opportunities that major projects can afford us. Take a moment to read about the best home upgrades to take advantage of during a renovation, and remember to have a little fun with the process.

Update Your Kitchen

When the words “home renovation” travel through the air, many of us immediately begin thinking about updating our kitchens. And it’s not surprising, as the kitchen is where we eat, entertain, and enjoy the company of our loved ones. So, if you’re in the market for a significant home renovation, take advantage of the opportunity you have to build the kitchen of your dreams. Get those custom granite countertops and modern light fixtures. Carve out a little space for that coffee bar you’ve always wanted. Not only will this help you create a home you can be proud of, but it’ll also add value to your property.

Revamp Your Flooring

Restoring your home comes with numerous benefits, and one of the best is the opportunity to replace your flooring. Most major home renovations involve ripping up carpets and dated tiles. So, if you’re delighted at the prospect of throwing out that beige shag carpeting, it might be a perfect time for you to upgrade to something a little sleeker and more sophisticated. Of course, you can always go with attractive and bold carpeting options. However, wood floors and premium tiles are an excellent, surefire way to give each room a fabulous, dynamic, and stylish splash.  

Trade-up for Energy Efficient Appliances

You can also use your home renovation as an opportunity to trade in some of those old, inefficient appliances and get yourself something a little more modern and eco-friendly. For instance, maybe that washer and dryer set sitting in your laundry room was great in the 90s but is now starting to seem more like a retro relic rather than a functioning tool. In this case, it’s best to replace the washer and dryer with appliances that have a design fitting your current needs. Further, most modern appliances come with features that conserve energy and water. So, you’ll save the planet and a little money on your monthly utility bill.

Build a Deck

Amidst a major restoration project, it can be easy to overlook your backyard as an area for potential upgrades. However, with a bit of creativity and vision, you can make your backyard an oasis for you and your loved ones. Namely, you can use this opportunity to add any prominent features to your yard’s landscape. These features could include a gazebo, a unique garden enclosure, or even a beautiful wooden deck. Decks, specifically, are relatively easy to build and can add so much to a home, both in attractiveness and market value.

It’s worth remembering that you should handle major home projects with care, timeliness, and professionalism. But don’t forget to enjoy all the wonderful chances that a remodel gives you to build the home of your dreams. And keep some of these home upgrades to take advantage of during a renovation when it comes time to start making changes.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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