
How COVID-19 Has Changed the Legal System

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned life as we know it upside down. Most people are required to wear face masks, some have to get weekly tests, and national numbers are on the rise. But one thing that has also changed during this time is our legal system. This piece will explain how COVID-19 has changed the legal system.

Prison Populations

Prison populations have decreased as a result of the pandemic. Prisons are typically overcrowded and not known for their good hygiene. It’s almost impossible to social distance in one of these environments. Legal authorities took notice of this and began releasing low-level offenders to prevent an outbreak of the virus at jail.

Protests and First Amendment Rights

Not everyone is happy about the restrictions the government has placed on people because of the pandemic. As a result of this, some people have protested against the government. Everyone has the right to protest under the First Amendment. However, many health officials advise against gathering in large crowds to prevent the spread of the virus. Law officials are struggling with which component to address.

Custody Battles

Some of the most significant legal changes to come out of the pandemic are custody challenges between divorced parents. Normally, ex-couples develop a parenting plan to determine who makes medical decisions and where the little ones will spend their time. However, it has been nearly impossible to follow these regulations during the pandemic because of the unknown. For example, transferring a child from different locations may increase their likelihood of contracting the virus. But one parent may become upset if the child is spending more time at one house than the other. It begs the question: should parents obey custody agreements no matter what? Or are there extenuating circumstances?

This article has explained how COVID-19 has changed the legal system. Some believe the pandemic has brought to light deep-rooted issues that have gone ignored for too long. There’s no telling when the circumstances may change or whether they’re permanent.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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