
Easy Ways To Reuse Wastewater in Your Community

Because the devastating effects of climate change are already underway, environmental conversation is needed to combat the effects it’s having on our cities. Reusing wastewater is one way to prevent severe droughts from crippling towns.

We have used water conservation for decades by using lakes and rivers for our drinking water. But did you know that communities all over the world reuse water in all kinds of different ways? We recycle wastewater in various applications for communities, such as agricultural or industrial plants. But there are other methods to conserve water in your home.

Explore these easy ways to reuse wastewater in your community.

Agricultural Water

Farmers and production plants can reuse their wastewater if they follow specific USFDA guidelines. Growing crops and keeping livestock takes most of the world’s water consumption. Reusing wastewater from farms helps add nutrients to the soil and supplies water to power and water treatment plants.

Industrial Plants

Industrial plants can reuse wastewater, too. By using an irrigation system, water from manufacturing facilities can be collected and repurposed as artificial lakes. Repurposed wastewater can also be used to water golf courses.

Wastewater at Home

Homeowners can reuse wastewater in several ways. Not only does this help with environmental conservation, but you can also cut down on your water bill. Some of the details of doing so are shown below.

Bottled Water

Instead of pouring stale drinking water down the drain, you can repurpose it to clean dishes or water potted plants.

Rain Barrels

Set up barrels below your roof’s gutters to collect runoff during storms. You can use this to water your gardens or for cleaning purposes.

Laundry Water

If you disconnect the runoff hose that goes into the sewer and connect a longer hose that reaches your yard, you can use that water later for your lawn or to clean off your sidewalk and driveway.

Using these easy ways to reuse wastewater in your community, we can begin to address the problems that droughts cause in our towns and cities!

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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