
Common Issues With Robots in Manufacturing

Robotics refers to the industry that designs and creates robots. Robots have many applications and come in many forms. In this article, we’ll discuss the common issues with robots in manufacturing. In the manufacturing industry, it’s helpful to understand these issues as you consider the use of robots to improve efficiency and production in your manufacturing company. Let’s take a look at a few common issues.

The Installation Process

Once installed, robots often need some trial and error before working properly. It could be a few months before a manufacturing company can stop paying the production line employees whose jobs are being replaced with the robots because you’ll need them until the robots are running smoothly. That can get expensive after paying for the robots. Although it’s possibly worth it in the long run as far as cost savings, you can’t train robots as quickly as humans. It will take some mistakes and production loss before the robots are installed and working efficiently.

Continual Maintenance

Robots need continual maintenance to keep running properly. A daily maintenance schedule along with weekly, monthly, and yearly schedules are necessary to keep a robot well-maintained. Most robots involve ball screws, which keep their motion controls moving properly. For the robot to keep running efficiently, those ball screws need regular maintenance to work well and sometimes need repair or replacement.

Many parts of a robot need lubrication, grease, and oils to keep working—and of course, a daily check of all-around efficiency, secure bolts, and appropriate production is necessary.

Training for Employees

Anyone remotely involved with the use of the robots in your manufacturing company needs training in how to properly operate them. This requires time and money. A small mistake using a robot can cost the company hours of time and a backup in production.

Even though there are a few common issues with robots in manufacturing, they’re extremely helpful when put in place correctly, handled by properly trained personnel, and maintained regularly.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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