
3 Must-Know Exterior Home Design Tips To Try

Although interior design is a key component of creating nice homes, exterior design is equally important. Your home’s curb appeal makes the first impression on guests before they walk through the front door. To ensure you’re making the most of your property, check out these three must-know exterior home design tips to try.

Study the Neighborhood

First, take a look at the homes around you. The idea of looking at the neighbors for examples of nice decor might sound obvious, but that’s not quite what this tip is saying. When you’re looking at other homes and thinking about what appeals to you, don’t forget to note what doesn’t appeal to you. For example, if your neighborhood is full of asphalt shingle roofs, maybe you want to stand out by installing a sleek, elegant metal roof.

On the other hand, if the homes around you are white or gray, maybe you want to stand with a bright red coat of paint. In other words, look at the homes around you and consider how you want to stand out from them in a significant, eye-catching way.

Contrast Colors

Using contrasting colors is one of the must-know exterior home design tips because it helps your property pop impressively. For instance, painting most of the home white but layering a black coat over the windows and doors allows those smaller elements to stand out from the rest of the home.

The same principle goes for painting the home gray but throwing a white coat over smaller elements, such as window frames. You remain within a natural color palette in both examples while still bringing a richer visual appeal to the property. Playing with contrasting colors is the key to ensuring areas like the window frames or garage door don’t blend into the home but stick out prominently and elegantly instead.

Prioritize Functionality 

Besides considering the aesthetics, you should make most home design choices with functionality in mind. For instance, choosing the perfect color for metal roofs requires a careful look at the materials in the coating, not just how bright or classy it looks. After all, protective coatings are what help metal roofs achieve their long lifespans and reliable performance.

Likewise, if you decide to plant a garden, consider setting up a nice bench nearby. Not only will a stylish bench add character to your garden, but it also gives you a spot to relax while you’re conducting yard work. Homeowners should always keep functionality in mind when sprucing up their homes’ exteriors to make the most out of the project.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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