
How To Optimize Space in Your Backyard

During the summer, it can be frustrating when your yard is too small or too messy to spend time outside. While your home’s outdoor area may seem far too minuscule to renovate, there are plenty of simple and effective tricks homeowners can use to transform this space. In this blog, we’ll share how to optimize space in your backyard. 

Create a Focal Point

One of the best ways to take advantage of what yard space you have is to create a focal point. When you establish a focal point, you bring attention to one piece of furniture, equipment, or greenery as the most immediate visual in your yard.

Once you’ve added a focal point, you’re more likely to structure other items in your garden to accent this visual piece. Not only will your yard’s decor look more coordinated, but your backyard will also be less cluttered with smaller items.  

Demolish Older Decks

Decks can quickly become an eyesore if they eat up too much of your garden space or need a hefty restoration. Rather than pouring your budget into renovations, consider removing your deck entirely.

Eliminating an older deck from your yard will create more usable space. Plus, replacing your deck with gravel or concentrate tiling will maintain the definition of your deck space without bulky wood or panels in the way. Deck demolition services in Dallas can easily and quickly deconstruct your patio and create this new, open space.

Replace Sheds With Multi-Purpose Storage

 If the tight dimensions of your backyard include a shed, consider tearing this shack down. There are plenty of more practical ways to store outdoor equipment and gear than placing these items in bulky sheds.

We recommend replacing your shed with multi-purpose storage units, such as ottomans or hollow benches, to store gear without taking up precious yard space. Once you redistribute your items into more compact storage units and demolish your shed, your backyard will instantly have more space.

Divide Your Yard Into Sections

Dividing your backyard into different zones will also make it seem like you have more space than you do. For example, use furniture or natural landscaping to separate areas with children’s toys from more adult leisurely zones. Creating these borders between various sections of your yard will create the illusion of more space. 

Don’t give up on your backyard because it’s too small or cluttered. Use our tips on how to optimize the space in your backyard to revitalize your home’s outdoor decor. Your updated and spacious patio will be the perfect spot for lounging on summer nights.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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