
Ways To Improve Your Drum’s Sound

Have an ancient or cheap drum that doesn’t have the best sound, or just want to change up the tones and beats your drum makes? You’d be surprised by how easy it is to alter a drum’s tune. Let’s examine some simple and inexpensive ways to improve your drum’s sound so that you can get the most out of your drums.

Experiment with Beaters

Beaters (also known as drumsticks) aren’t required to play most drums. In fact, some drums are designed not to be used with beaters—hand drums, for example. Still, most drum players can benefit from the use of drumsticks. Using drumsticks is more ergonomic than beating with your hands, for one. They can also help you draw unique sounds out of your drum.

Depending on the size, weight, and material of the drumsticks, the sound they produce when they strike the drum differs. A weighty drumstick made from steel will produce loud, resonant noises that are perfect for heavy rockers. A Native American rawhide drumstick, on the other hand, is great for use with Native American rawhide drums. That’s because rawhide is a light and soft material that creates more earthy and natural sounds.

Check the Drumheads

The next way to improve your drum’s sound is to replace or fix drumheads that are in poor condition. Drumheads can wear down due to heavy use. They might become damaged, torn, or loose. These are all factors that can influence the sound of your drum.

If you notice a sudden change in pitch or tone, examine the drumheads for signs of wear and tear. If the drumhead is damaged, it’s best to have a professional repair it. If the drumhead is loose, you can usually tighten it on your own. The process for tightening your drumhead depends on the kind of drum you have and the material of the head, though, so make sure to follow the correct instructions.

Tune It

Yesterday, your drum sounded just fine. Today, it sounds strangely out of tune. That’s because it probably is out of tune. The more you play your drum, the more often you need to tune it. If you play frequently, you should tune your drum once a week or every other week. If you’re an avid drummer who plays practically 24-7, you may need to tune your drums once or twice a day.

The kind of music you play also influences how often you need to tune your drum. If you play jazz and you’re particular about how every note sounds, you may want to tune your drum more often. If you’re a rock or heavy metal player, you might rarely have to tune your drums because low and harsh sounds rarely fall out of tune.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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