
Tips for Developing Your Sense of Style

For many people, having a unique sense of style can seem out of reach. If you believe that you’re someone who can’t have their own style, you’re very much wrong. Developing your style does take time and effort, though it’s often worth it for how much more confident you’ll feel. We’re going to give you a few tips for developing your sense of style to put you on the right path towards looking and feeling your best.

Find What You Feel Comfortable In

Having a personal sense of style comes down to what you are comfortable wearing. What makes you feel secure in your skin? Are there certain colors you love? Do you enjoy complimenting your look with accessories like jewelry or stylish glasses? You won’t feel like you’ve found your own style if you wear things you don’t connect to personally.

Take Inspiration From Everywhere

A good tip for developing your own sense of style is to find inspiration wherever you can. If you only follow one source of style advice, you’ll just end up copying someone else’s style. Gather inspiration from many different sources instead, such as TV shows, online blogs, or even your close family and friends. When you can combine things that you’ve learned from all over, you’ll have a unique style that’s all your own.

Don’t Follow Others’ Rules

You’ll probably run into roadblocks along the way as people tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. There’s nothing wrong with taking advice but try to refrain from accepting everything at first glance. Some people’s rules about their style won’t apply to you, and following those rules will stifle your creativity. Make your own rules for the style that works for you.

Feel Free to Experiment

If you’re new to the idea of having your own sense of style, you’ll probably feel a little odd going outside of your comfort zone. Remember that the one person whose opinion matters is yours, so don’t be afraid to try out something even if you’re not sure it will work. Experimenting is the only way you can broaden your horizons and expand your knowledge. Don’t let the fear of others’ opinions keep you in your box for too long.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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