
Truth vs. Fiction: Common Misconceptions in Skin Care

We often hear rumors about what’s best for our skin’s health. But some of these claims don’t ring true. In fact, even some of the most popular practices collapse under scrutiny. These are some common misconceptions in skin care and why you should stop using them as a basis for your routine.

Oily Skin Doesn’t Need Moisturizer

While we know that oily skin tends to experience the most breakouts, avoiding moisturizer altogether simply isn’t the answer. Believe it or not, doing so only makes your situation worse. This is because those with naturally oily skin can develop an overproduction of oils during dry seasons. Regularly applying moisturizer is one of the best ways to prevent skin oiliness in the summer or winter.

Tanning Is Beneficial for the Skin

The sun-kissed look has remained popular for a long time, yet few have stopped to think about what this process does to their skin cells. When you tan, you expose your skin to an abundance of UV rays to make them produce more melanin—the pigment that gives our skin color. But a darker shade can only protect the skin for so long before your cells sustain lasting damage which can greatly decrease your skin’s health later in life.

Higher SPF Means More Protection

This is another common misconception in skin care. Many people believe that the higher the SPF rating of a product, the more protection it provides. Though the sun protection factor is larger on some formulas than others, this only slightly increases its UV blocking abilities—by one percent, on average. After all, no product can provide total protection from the sun. Stick with an SPF 30 product that you can afford rather than spending more on an SPF 50 that requires just as much reapplication.

Topical Collagen Replaces Natural Collagen

Many people think that using topical collagen creams will take the place of any natural collagen you currently have in your skin. But these creams, even the stronger varieties, struggle to penetrate your outer layer of skin. They aren’t as effective as naturally produced or injected collagen. Supplements or clinical treatments are usually your best options for results.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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