
What To Know Before Buying Your First Boroscope

When it comes to remote viewing inspection, there’s no better tool than a boroscope. However, these are precise devices that have many applications across different industries. As such, there are a few different types to choose from and many manufacturers. It can seem very confusing, but luckily what to know before buying your first boroscope isn’t as complicated as it initially seems.

Choosing a Quality Grade

The first detail in securing a boroscope is deciding on the quality level. Educators and hobbyists may be pleased to know that there are many consumer-grade options at very affordable prices. However, these models are simple and lack the depth and sturdiness of models designed for industrial work. What you need will be a culmination of your budget limits and the industry you work in.

Professional-grade boroscopes generally cost a few hundred dollars and upwards of thousands. Choose a model within range and that is designed to withstand the type of handling it will see every day. For instance, a lab-grade boroscope may boast excellent specs, but it may not stand the test of time in a mechanic’s shop.

Rigid vs. Flexible Boroscopes

The first thing to know about boroscopes is that there are two common types: rigid and flexible versions. As the names suggest, this describes the areas of use that each type best serves. Rigid boroscopes feature a thin metal barrel that can be inserted in straight paths. Flexible boroscopes are made with a fiber-optic cord and have a length of cord with a camera at the tip.

The cord can be fed down by twisting and turning pipes, allowing the user to inspect entire areas not usually accessible. If your remote viewing work involves irregular entry paths, a flexible boroscope will make the work much simpler.

Video Quality Difference

What to know before buying your first boroscope also entails depth of video quality. Unsurprisingly, different grades and models of rigid and flexible types vary significantly in resolution. Additionally, the nature of fiber optics used in flexible types typically causes interference and lowered clarity when compared to rigid types. Besides this detail, there is also another type of boroscope more advanced than these two.

The videoscope looks and functions like a flexible boroscope. However, fiber optics are not used in the flexible cord, but rather the image is relayed through internal wiring. The result is a significant uptick in output. Most videoscopes have imaging capabilities on par with modern camcorders. If remote viewing in high definition is a concern, choose a videoscope.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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