
Steps To Cleaning Out an Estate Quickly

With the exception of house flippers, most people buy a home so that they can settle into it. After only a few years of occupying a space, it quickly fills with all the unique items people use to define a home. It often includes a mishmash of stuff we use every day, things we meant to do something about, and items that are just special to us and our hobbies.

As such, cleaning up and condensing all these physical goods takes a lot of time and effort. However, the task rarely comes with an influx of free time. Fortunately, the steps to cleaning out an estate quickly can save time and money.

Target the Fine Details First

When cleaning out an estate, start with the technical details, especially with an inherited estate. You’ll want to find all possible paperwork and go over it carefully. Redirect mail to the new home and cancel paper notices and subscriptions that are no longer necessary. It’s very crucial to prove ownership and ensure no bills or loose ends remain unchecked.

After collecting paperwork, go through it with great care. It will contain all deeds and bills of sales necessary to license or sell more substantial items and the house itself. Besides this, collect any jewelry, cash, or small and potentially valuable items. Remove these things from the home first to ensure you don’t mix them up with anything else or even toss them on accident. Once the delicate details are out of the way, the real work begins.

Sorting Through the Bulk

Go one room at a time to keep things as manageable as possible. If the home is extremely cluttered, start by tacking rooms closest to exits. That way, you can progressively clear the way for sorting and carrying out items further in. Much as anyone would when cleaning up a room, start by clearing out small items. Carefully box up the trinkets and decorations you know you want to keep.

Taking Care of What’s Left

The final step to cleaning out an estate quickly is to deal with the leftover clutter. Set aside items you’re unsure whether to keep or sell. Do the same with progressively larger items. Keep removing the items you want to keep, either by taking them home or temporarily placing them in storage for further sorting at another time. After a while, the only remaining items should be furniture and boxes of unwanted items.

While we might want to keep everything we’ve inherited from our loved ones or had in our previous home, it’s not always realistic. You’ll be able to sell many items, which can help recoup any money you lost by taking days to clean the house and paying for movers and such. For everything else, you can either donate it or have local junk removers take care of it. This part of the process often goes much more quickly than the rest, and it’s always satisfying to watch as the last few items make their way out the door, leaving behind an empty house.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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