
Daily Cleaning Tasks All Offices Must Complete

Keeping the office clean is crucial, and as a business owner, you probably already know that. Unfortunately, it can be tough to determine what’s a daily cleaning task and what you can put off for a bit longer.

This list will explain four of the most important daily cleaning tasks all offices must complete. Reading through this list will help you figure out if you’re cleaning areas of the workplace as frequently as they require.

Vacuuming the Floor

Dust, dirt, crumbs, and other contaminants can swiftly find their way onto office floors. While this isn’t out of the ordinary, not removing these contaminants is. Every night you should vacuum both carpets and hard-surface floors in the workplace.

While this is especially important for bathrooms and kitchens, all floors should receive the same level of vacuuming. Not only is allowing contaminants to thrive on the floor unsanitary, but it’s also an eye-sore clients will notice when they stop by.

Throwing Out the Trash

Trash accumulation is unsanitary, unattractive, and causes of awful aromas. After each workday, remove all the trash in the office and throw it in a designated dumpster.

Some business owners feel the temptation to go a day or two without throwing out the trash if it’s not too excessive. Don’t make actions like that a habit. Never close up the office with food scraps, empty soda cans, and other trash still inside it.

Wiping Down Glass Surfaces

Glass surfaces such as windows, mirrors, and countertops can accumulate blemishes during the workday. From fingerprints to unidentifiable smudges, marks on glass surfaces make an office look unkempt. Take the time to carefully wipe down glass surfaces with a suitable cleaning solution after the workday’s end. That way, clients and employees can enter an environment that looks sleek and professional whenever walking through your doors.

Sanitizing High-Traffic Areas

“High-traffic areas” is a term referencing surfaces that endure a lot of physical contact throughout the day. This includes door handles, reception/waiting areas, floors, sinks, and light switches. It should go without saying that disinfecting nearly every inch of an office bathroom is essential at the end of the night.

Given the pandemic’s current state, sanitizing the workplace is more crucial than ever before. That doesn’t mean you should stop disinfecting once the pandemic is over, though. Folks in the office can catch many different sicknesses if you don’t minimize the presence of germs.

Although these are daily cleaning tasks all offices must complete, business owners/employees don’t have to do it themselves. There are professional services available that can take care of many different sanitation tasks in the office. However, make time to learn the differences between commercial cleaning and janitorial services. Both services are immensely beneficial to workplace cleanliness, although for different tasks.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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