
Great Ways To Make Spanish Class More Fun

As a Spanish teacher, you’re going to run into many roadblocks in the classroom. Some students will struggle to learn, while others won’t even care to try. Some might flourish, which is awesome, but you want the entire class to excel as a group. These great ways to make Spanish class more fun will help you maintain your students’ attention during each lesson.

Teach with Enthusiasm

Young students in preschool, kindergarten, and middle school typically don’t realize how beneficial learning Spanish will be for them. That’s why it’s the teacher’s job to engage students with the language, which is tough if you have an unfriendly demeanor. Deliver each lesson with enthusiasm and a smile on your face. If you can win over students with a fun personality, you can win their attention. In short, exuding optimism and joy during class will go a long way.

Mix Education and Entertainment

There’s nothing wrong with passing out worksheets or workbooks, but if that’s all you’re using to teach Spanish, it’ll become dull for the students. Luckily, there are plenty of effective ways to combine entertainment and education into one task. You can read bilingual children’s books, listen to Spanish music, or play a round of Spanish vocabulary bingo.

You can even indulge in a Total Physical Response (TPR) session to get the class passionate about the curriculum. Make sure to plan some collaborative activities for students to conduct in small groups, too. This will promote socializing alongside learning, which plays a key role in creating a welcoming and friendly learning environment.

Discuss History and Culture When Possible

When you’re teaching Spanish to young students, don’t forget to work Spanish history and culture into your lessons. For instance, the aforementioned children’s books and Spanish songs are the perfect way to do this. Seek out books and songs talking about Spanish events, historical figures, holidays, and so forth.

Spanish is more than a language for students to learn—it’s a vast legacy of people, places, and events worth discovering. You understand that, but sometimes your students won’t. That’s why imbuing history and culture into the curriculum is one of the great ways to make Spanish class more fun. In doing so, you’re simultaneously entertaining, educating, and engaging students with the rich history behind the Spanish language.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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