
Powerful Tips for Feeling More Confident at the Gym

Many people don’t feel comfortable heading to the gym. It’s a potentially intimidating experience, especially for people who are just getting started in the fitness world. Even if you head there often, you may still feel a bit uncomfortable when you walk in those doors. Fall in love with the energy and happiness fitness can bring you—check out these tips for feeling more confident at the gym!

Choose the Right Environment for You

Before you begin, and even if you’re already at a gym, you have to realize that there are different workout environments. You may feel uncomfortable because the place you’re at now isn’t the right scene for you. There are massive gyms or there are smaller gyms; there are dance studios or there are HIIT studios—find the place that makes you feel the most comfortable!

Formulate a Plan

Once you’ve found the right spot, come up with a plan of action before you go. Decide whether you’re going to go to the bikes first and then to the arm machines. When you have an idea of what to look for right when you walk in, it’ll be easier for you to navigate the gym without getting overwhelmed.

Dress Comfortably

One of the biggest ways to feel more comfortable at the gym is by dressing comfortably and making sure everything fits. For women, one of the most obnoxious things is needing to constantly pull up leggings—purchase quality high-rise leggings to solve that issue. In general, make sure that what you put on will fit what you have planned for the day—the more comfortable you feel in what you’re wearing, the more confident you’ll feel while you’re there.

Avoid Peak Gym Hours

If you’re uncomfortable with the number of people at the gym, and you don’t really want to work out in front of a bunch of people, avoid peak hours. For example, going right after the workday (5 to 7 pm) is a peak time in the gym. If you can swing it, try to avoid those hours. The slower the rush, the more confident you’ll feel trying out those new machines and moves.

Bring a Friend

Friends boost confidence—at least, they should. Bring your confidence-boosting friend to the gym with you. You both can try out new machines together, spot each other if you feel comfortable enough, and genuinely boost one another’s confidence while you figure out the gym scene.

Try Out a Class

If you have absolutely no idea what to do at the gym, then consider signing up for a class. Most workout facilities offer free classes with memberships. It’s a great way to figure out what to do during that exercise time, and then you can transfer that knowledge to your own workout routines.

Remember What You Came for

This is the most important confidence booster tip of all—remember what you’re there for. You’re there for you and no one else. Whether you want to run that 5K or simply feel more at ease in movement, whatever you’re there for, no matter how uncomfortable you feel when you walk in the door, you’re there for you.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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