
The Difference Between a Digital and Acoustic Piano

Millions of people are stuck at home right now. The COVID-19 outbreak has transformed life as we know it. Yet, it’s important to remain optimistic. Many individuals are using this time as an opportunity to pick up new hobbies. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to learn how to play the piano. If so, read this guide on the difference between a digital and acoustic piano before making a purchase.


You should keep sound quality in mind while you’re shopping for a piano. Acoustic pianos allow artists a little more flexibility than their digital counterparts. The hammer strikes a chord while you’re playing an acoustic piano. This striking motion produces a resonant and warmer tone. Digital pianos, on the other hand, create sound off of a digital file. Thus, these instruments can’t make the same authentic sounds as an acoustic instrument. However, developers are working hard to fix this issue. High-quality digital pianos are equipped with state-of-the-art technology that closely matches their acoustic equivalents.


A digital piano is the perfect instrument for anyone who wants something maintenance-free. Tuning an acoustic piano costs people thousands of dollars every year. Also, you have to hire a professional to do the job correctly. This is a lot of work! Pianists who owned digital pianos don’t have to worry about this because the instruments tune themselves. Acoustic pianos must be stored in a particular way, too. These devices are affected by humidity and moisture, so they must be stored in a temperature-controlled area. Again, digital pianos don’t face this problem. If you’re looking for a hassle-free instrument you can enjoy in your free time, then a digital piano is the way to go.

Additional Features

Another difference between a digital and acoustic piano is the features attached to the devices. Anyone looking for something modern should definitely go digital. State-of-the-art electric pianos come equipped with Bluetooth capabilities that allow you to connect your phone to the instrument. This means pianists can listen to music from their phones as they play. Digital pianos are also excellent recording tools. Artists can record a file while they’re playing and listen back to hear for areas of improvement. Digital pianos are truly the instruments of the future.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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