
4 Ways to Keep Busy When You’re Stuck at Home

Everyone should be staying home as much as possible to slow the spread of COVID-19. While it’s challenging to stay in one place, it’s vital to protect individuals who are at a high risk of reacting severely to the virus. If you’re getting stir-crazy, try one of these four ways to keep busy when you’re stuck at home.

Online Shopping

Businesses around the world are hurting right now. Do your part to keep them afloat by shopping online from the comfort of your couch. Self-isolation is the perfect time for a wardrobe upgrade, so take a look at your favorite store’s websites to see if anything strikes your fancy. Purchase apparel that’s out of your comfort zone. One of the best parts about being home is that no one will see your outfit if you don’t like it. Also, buy some cute clothing accessories that’ll impress your friends when you log in for a Zoom call.


Most restaurants around the country are closed to the public right now. While you can still order takeout and delivery, use this time at home to perfect your cooking skills. Try new recipes that you usually wouldn’t attempt. Everyone has more free time on their hands these days, so be patient with yourself while you’re in the kitchen. Test out some new ingredients, too. Who knows? By the time this crisis is over, you may be a master chef.


Certain craft projects can help calm your anxiety. If you’re overwhelmed by the uncertainty in the air, take up crafting as a hobby. Start by purchasing supplies from a local craft store. You can opt for a contactless delivery if you aren’t comfortable entering the establishment. Once you have the materials you need, watch YouTube videos on how to get started. You can knit a quilt for when you get chilly at night or make a scrapbook with your favorite photos. This hobby will help take your mind off of things for a while.


Journaling is a healthy way for people to express how they’re feeling. If you’re anxious about talking to your loved ones, let your emotions out on paper. This cathartic hobby will help you release any stress you’ve been holding on to. Also, it’ll be wild to look back at your journal once this craziness is over. A journal is something you can show your children when you get older, too. The notebook can serve as evidence while you’re explaining the pandemic to them in the future.

Follow these four ways to keep busy when you’re stuck at home if you’re bored out of your mind. Try to think positively, as well. A few months ago, millions of people would’ve loved to spend more time at home, so make the most of this unprecedented opportunity before the hustle and bustle of normal life resumes.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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