
How to Create a Welcoming Home Entrance

What do you think the most impactful part of a home is for its visitors? Many homeowners would probably guess the kitchen, living room, or dining room—the places that they often do the most entertaining. However, this simply isn’t the case. Though it might be surprising to hear, the entrances of our homes are the most important component in setting the atmosphere for a visit. In fact, if your guests don’t get a good first impression of your home upon entering the front door, they’re less likely to enjoy their stay. This is why it’s crucial that homeowners know how to create a welcoming home entrance to make their guests feel comfortable.

Establish a Clear Path to the Home

Effective entrance design, believe it or not, doesn’t begin at the entrance itself. For your guests to feel comfortable and invited upon entering your home, they first need to find it. This means trimming back the hedges, maintaining your yard, and even installing a few LED lights to illuminate the path. These steps make your home look more visually appealing and, by extension, more inviting for those you’re having over.

Make Your Front Door a Focal Point

Once your guests get to the front porch, you want to make sure your front door is the first thing that catches their eyes. As such, the last things it should be showing are visible signs it needs to be replaced, such as damage, fading, and uneven framework. Instead, it should be colorful and fit in with the rest of your home’s design.

Brighten Things Up

Another essential component of creating a welcoming home entrance is the right amount of light. No one wants to enter a dimly-lit, spooky entryway—except when you’re throwing a Halloween party. Consequently, it’s important to bring some light into the room by installing mirrors, painting the entryway a sunnier color, and removing any furniture items that make it feel crowded. This way, you’re presenting a light and airy environment for guests to place their things and relax.

Keep Items Organized and Clean

Make sure that you’re also keeping your entry area clean and organized—especially if you’re expecting guests. When you’re having company, each person should have a spot to place their belongings without feeling overwhelmed by the number of items already there. This is where customizable storage solutions can be a big help.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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