
Tips to Protect Against Pickpockets

Unfortunately, there are bad people wherever you go. Whether you’re in your local grocery store, at a concert, or traveling, you pose as a target for thieves and criminals. One of the most common forms of theft today is pickpocketing. This refers to when people steal money and items from your pockets, purses, or backpacks. Read these tips to protect against pickpockets, and you’ll learn how to keep your important belongings right where you want them to be.

Beware of Crowded Places

You must never lose track of your personal belongings in a crowded place. This includes markets, transportation stations, public gatherings, concerts, sports events, and so on. Pickpockets thrive in these places because the activity and crowds make it easy to steal from backpacks or back pockets. Be aware of this the next time you attend a public event or shop in a store or market.

Keep Priority Items to a Minimum

Another important tip is to keep priority items to a minimum. Priority items include your keys, cell phone, wallet, passport, driver’s license, and other forms of official identification. The more items you carry and take out in public, especially if you are not aware of your surroundings, the more likely thieves will target you. Not to mention, the less you carry, the less you will have to worry about when you go out.

Wear Pickpocket-Proof Clothing

There are a lot of clothing options with built-in protection against pickpockets. Many pants are designed with zippered pockets inside them, some bras have stash pockets for cards and cash, and most jackets come with an inside pocket. These are all efficient ways to deter pickpockets from stealing your money. Your items are always kept close to you. Still, be aware of strangers in close proximity.

Use an RFID-Blocking Wallet

These days, thieves and criminals don’t have to physically steal your wallet to gain access to your bank information. Pickpockets can use radio-frequency identification devices to access your credit cards and bank information merely by scanning the card in your wallet or pocket. That’s why you must use an RFID-blocking wallet to ensure complete protection against this issue.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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