
Different Ways to Properly Prepare a Photoshoot

Putting together a photoshoot can be equally fun and stressful. The stress can stem from many things, particularly when it comes to getting ready for the big day—finding the right backdrop, buying the right gear, etc. Don’t worry, with the help of these different ways to properly prepare a photoshoot, you can make that pre-production period go much smoother.

Have a Clear Vision

As the one in charge of a photoshoot, you have to bring more than just your handy-dandy gear. By the time you show up to set, you should have a clear vision of what you want creatively. It doesn’t mean that you can’t make changes along the way—there’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, it can be extremely helpful to brainstorm new ideas on the fly. However, it’s important to have a plan in place beforehand. A confident plan can help fuel a confident crew.

Make a List of Necessary Gear Early

The gear you’ll need for your camera alone calls for its own checklist. To help make the prep for shooting go by smoother, put together a checklist of all the gear you’ll need to bring. It’s important to do this at least several days before shooting. That way, you have plenty of time to make revisions and purchase any gear that you’ve either lost or didn’t have in the first place.

Show Up to Set Early

Show up as early as possible to set. That way, you can get all your gear set up, so when it comes time to take pictures you can jump right into it. Plus, you can brainstorm additional ideas that can lead to fun creative discoveries. Most importantly, if you accidentally leave some of your gear back home, arriving early enough can allow you ample time to fix that issue.

Prioritize Your Lighting Setup

If everything about your shoot goes smoothly but the lighting is too dark or too bright, it can ruin the entire thing. Make sure you run through some lighting tests before shooting to understand how to properly utilize your softbox lighting and, specifically, how to utilize it in the shooting space.

Pay Attention to Your Backdrop

What’s in the background of your shot is just as important as what’s in the foreground. You may think setting up a backdrop is simple, but more work goes into setting up a backdrop than you may expect. From choosing the right size for your backdrop to the color and the distance it is from your subject, there are many important creative decisions necessary to transform your set into something truly special.

Now that you’re caught up on these different ways to properly prepare a photoshoot, you’re ready for the big day. By following these steps, you can help alleviate the stress of pre-production. Not only will you be less stressed before shooting, but hopefully you’ll be quite pleased with the final product afterward.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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