
5 Tips on How to Be the Best Soccer Mom

Spring soccer season is on its way back, which means Saturday mornings are spent at the fields. Whether your kid loves the game or isn’t quite sure about it yet, your attitude plays a bigger impact on their enjoyment than you may think. If you’re new to the soccer world or if you’ve already had a few kids play through the ranks, a few tricks will make soccer season easier on yourself and more fun for the kiddos. Below are a few tips on how to be the best soccer mom—check it out!

Pack the Night Before

This tip is especially important before the first practice and first game—you do not want to be late. It makes it easier on the coach and easier on the player. So to help ensure that you’re early to practices and games, pack what you need the night before. You don’t want to wait until 20 minutes before game time to realize that you have no idea where the jersey is. A great soccer mom is prepared and has the car packed well before she needs to leave.

Become a Soccer Geek

We can’t stress this enough—the best soccer mom is a soccer geek. She really cares about and understands soccer. So even if you were never huge on sports, your children will have a much better experience if they think you care about it. Better yet, when you learn the terms and become even just a bit more invested, you’ll be able to have a more meaningful conversation with your children about practice and the games.

Invest in Great Gear

Every great soccer mom has her game-day set-up—make sure that you have yours. Spring soccer is a messy time, so make sure that you always have an umbrella on hand. Invest in a great lawn chair (two cup holders is way better than one), and a blanket or two. If you have younger kids watching their siblings, bring along what every soccer mom will have this season—a great playpen. This will ensure that the kiddos are safe as you watch their older sibling play; you can focus on the game!

Dress Appropriately

You’ve probably seen that mom on the fields who makes the mistake of wearing her heels from work to practice that night. You’ve also probably seen the mom who wore flip-flops to the game even though it rained just last night. You’ll feel much more comfortable during games and practices if you dress appropriately, and that means stocking up your car with essentials—worn-out gym shoes for when you forget a pair, rain boots for when the fields are soggy, rain jackets for inclement weather, and a baseball cap because, of course, a baseball cap.

Cheer, Don’t Coach

Lastly, and this is one of the most important tips to follow if you really want your kid to enjoy and learn the game—cheer them on, but don’t coach them from the sidelines. Just because you became a soccer geek doesn’t mean you know everything about the game. Let your child listen to the coach—when they hear you yelling direction, they’ll follow you over the coach, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best move. Instead, focus on cheering for your kids rather than coaching them.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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