
Wonderful Ways to Foster Creativity in Kids

Creativity and curiosity are very important facets of childhood. They enable a child to devise entire worlds with stunning stories and compelling characters all within the confines of their own mind. As such, curiosity should be applauded at every turn and children should be provided with ample opportunities to express themselves creatively. Luckily, with so much beauty and inspiration in the world, there are many wonderful ways to foster creativity in kids. Below are some great ways to foster creativity in kids. And who knows? You may even discover your own muse in the process.

Why Foster Your Child’s Creativity?

Creativity allows one to practice self-expression. As a vital component of a person’s development, fostering your child’s creativity can help them define their individuality, strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations. Due to their innocence, children are often more eager and willing to speak their minds and express themselves, and they can achieve this better through creativity.

With this in mind, here are some simple ways you can nurture the creative side of your kid.

Go to a museum

One great way to spark creativity is by getting out of the house and seeing the world. While it may not be possible to embark on a whirlwind tour of everything the world has to offer, you can get a tiny taste of it by visiting a local museum. Museums yield numerous educational benefits for children and can be a great way to spark curiosity about the world around them. Visiting a history museum may ignite conversations about different cultures and important moments in history, while a trip to a science museum may spark an interest in the parts of our world that remain unexplored. Viewing the works of classical painters at an art museum is also a great way to inspire kids to create masterpieces of their very own. Inspiration can come from anywhere, and visiting a museum is a great first step in helping your child find their muse.

Provide ample resources

Imaginative ideas and creative concepts must have an outlet. This outlet can come in many different forms, and your child might find multiple mediums with which to express their artistic ideas. Therefore, it’s important that you provide your child with ample resources to create their art. This will enable your child to put pencil to paper the moment inspiration strikes and they’ll be able to unleash their creativity freely. You don’t have to go crazy at the craft store. Stocking your home with pencils, paper, crayons, and paint will do the job just fine.

Every child has a unique creative talent. Since they’re still discovering how they can harness their creativity, you can give them basic art supplies and tools first, such as princess coloring pages, modeling clay, watercolor, and poster paints. Don’t be afraid to let them get messy with these materials, and enjoy the process of making art with them!

Eventually, as your child picks up and creates artwork continuously, they’ll find ways to nurture themselves as an artist. However, they don’t just need physical resources to flourish in their creativity. As a parent, it’s also important that you guide them through this process by constantly showing them possible inspiration for their art and even sitting down and making art with them.

Allow for free time

When bogged down by the stresses of schoolwork and extracurricular activities, it can be hard for a child to find time to indulge their creative side. Allowing your child ample free time to make-believe and create to their heart’s content will help reduce some of the stress they may feel from their daily activities. This creative free time can be spent in whatever way your child feels most comfortable, whether that be painting, writing, or making up an interpretive dance to their favorite song. Be sure to offer your child support through all their creative endeavors. Providing positive feedback on your child’s drawing may seem inconsequential to you, but it can mean the world to them. Supporting your child through their struggles and successes will help them feel more comfortable being creative and they will be more likely to maintain their curiosity throughout the rest of their life.


Learning is a continuous process, more so in early childhood. Regardless of what environment your child is in, they will find a way to imitate and learn from their surroundings. As creativity is an essential quality to possess, take the time and make an effort to nurture your child’s creativity, whether in art, writing, or any other field.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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