
Common Workplace Hazards That Should Be Prevented Against

Almost any workplace has the potential to expose some hazard to its employees, and the proper steps must be taken to avoid them. This will prevent both physical stress as well as liability on the employer’s part. Here we’ve listed some of the most common workplace hazards.

Exposed Electrical Wires

There isn’t a workplace that doesn’t utilize some form of electricity, meaning that this is a risk that can present itself in any environment. Exposed wires can cause fatal electrocution, fires, and potentially dangerous damage to equipment. Any electrical equipment or wires should be inspected regularly for exposed or frayed wires.

Noise Hazards

Excessive noise levels can be extremely detrimental to one’s hearing, and even their mental health. These dangers are especially prevalent in areas such as plants or construction areas. It’s essential that employers are aware of OSHA’s standards for noise levels.

Poor Ventilation

Poor ventilation in any workplace is detrimental to employees’ health, especially in areas such as nail salons or ones with industrial equipment. When air fails to circulate properly, it can cause ailments such as fatigue, nausea, dizziness, or the spread of airborne diseases and viruses.

Exposure to Chemicals

Chemical exposure can be extremely dangerous to employees. Some workplaces deal with dangerous chemicals such as mercury, asbestos, and lead. These chemicals can enter the body through avenues such as inhalation or skin contact. Exposure can have extremely detrimental outcomes, and strict standards should be followed in any workplace that deals with these.

Dangerous Machinery

Heavy equipment and machinery can cause many physical hazards, requiring the use of safety equipment. Users can be thrown from equipment, get crushed, or in some cases, impaled. It’s important not only to follow the proper safety protocols and outfit yourself accordingly, but also to never work around this type of equipment alone.

Fire Hazards

Fires can be caused as the result of factors such as equipment that isn’t stored properly, faulty equipment, or simple negligence. Execute regular fire drills and follow standards regarding exits with clear signs. Fire extinguishers and sprinkler systems should also be installed accordingly.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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