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5 Self-Publishing Tips for Aspiring Authors

Not every aspiring author has access to a traditional publisher, and even if they do, it doesn’t guarantee that the publisher won’t reject their work. Breaking into the book industry is no easy feat; however, every bestselling author has to start somewhere.

Getting your book published and on store shelves is a major benchmark for any aspiring author. Learn how to publish a book yourself with our self-publishing tips.

Hire a Professional Editor

Employing a professional editor is the first step to getting your work published—even bestselling writers require plenty of edits. There are two types of professional editors, each bringing something different to the project. A developmental editor looks over your work for flow and consistency, while a copy editor will look for spelling and grammatical errors. Editors will only improve your work and make you a better writer during your publishing journey.

Have a Good Cover

Although we’re told never to judge a book by its cover, new authors can’t deny that their covers are what entice most readers to pick up their book. According to a Book Smugglers survey, 79% of participants said that the cover plays a decisive role in their decision to purchase a book. If you feel confident enough to create a book cover on your own, then we recommend doing so. If not, consider hiring a talented freelance artist. Whichever option you take, it is essential for your book to have an appealing cover.

Find a Distributor

Once your book is complete, you’ll have to determine what platform(s) you’re going to share it on. You’ll need to find a distributor to publish your book. Luckily, there are many self-publishing organizations available to help get your book on the market—digitally and in print.

Market Your Book

Marketing is a critical step to spread awareness about your published work. We recommend creating a website for the book, performing some social media marketing, and getting people to review your book. You’ll also want to do some in-person self-promotion. Consider renting a tent and hosting a book launching party or set up a signing at your local libraries, bookstores, or schools. If you’re new to the marketing world, speak to a consultant to help guide you along the way.

Buy an ISBN Number

The ISBN number is like the book’s fingerprint; if you want to sell your book, you’ll have to get an ISBN number. The unique number allows booksellers, libraries, publishers, and book dealers to recognize and keep track of specific titles. Purchasing an ISBN will give you more control and ensure that your book maintains a healthy shelf life.

Becoming a New York Times best-selling author doesn’t happen overnight. As long as you work hard, stay motivated, and use our self-publishing tips, you’ll be able to and get your book into the hands of readers.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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