
5 Basement Organization Tips for Spring Cleaning 

Springtime is almost here, which means it’s almost time for spring cleaning. To kick off the new season, you can tackle one of the largest and most disorganized areas of your home: your basement. If your home’s basement is a dumping ground for old items and distant memories, these five basement organization tips will help you accomplish your cleaning goals.

Purge Items You No Longer Need

If you want to reorganize your basement, you’ll need to declutter before you even consider thinking about what to keep and what to throw away. Evaluate everything in your basement by importance and frequency of use. As much as you want to keep certain things “just in case,” you may not even use them—it’s better to part way with these items. We recommend the keep, toss, donate system.

Invest in Clear Plastic Bins

After you’ve gone through your belongings, it’s time to store them. Clear plastic bins are easy to label and store, and you can easily see the contents inside. They also keep your items safe. We suggest staying away from cardboard boxes because they are susceptible to moisture damage. If you discover moisture or pools of water as you clean, immediately remove everything from the affected area and contact a basement waterproofing professional—standing water is no joke.

Organize by Category

As you store everything into plastic bins, consider grouping similar items together by season or type. For example, you should store all of your Christmas decorations together; this will help you find everything you need during the holiday season. You can also think about storing all of your children’s books and toys together. No matter what you decide to group together, it’s always best to store similar items in the same place.

Establish “Zones”

Once you sort your belongings into categories and place them into bins, you should set these bins in a designated area of your basement. For aesthetic and safety reasons, these bins should never touch your living area or utilities. Separating your basement into zones will ensure the entire space stays clean and organized.

Optimize the Space

If you want to keep a lot but don’t seem to have enough space for it all, consider installing shelves on the walls and overhead racks near the ceiling. Many homeowners overlook these opportunities, but they can really make an organizational difference—especially in small basements. This basement remodeling guide is a good resource for those who want to make changes in their basement.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh


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  1. Hey Logan

    Just read your article above! Great stuff, I don’t have a basement, but I do have an attic, which I definitely need to optimize space in haha.

    BTW, what do you recommend for decluttering the rest of your home? Any easy tips I should follow? Would love to get your thoughts on it.

    Anyways, just wanted to reach out and say hello. Keep up the great work!


    • Thanks, Jordan! Organization in small places, I can so relate, ha.

      I would love to connect regarding other decluttering ideas or tips or tricks. I will reach out!

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