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Make Your Office a Sanctuary with These Simple Techniques

It’s no secret that people are more productive when they’re comfortable in their surroundings—nobody likes working in uncomfortable places and situations. If you are looking to make your workspace a bit cozier, check out these tips and tricks on how to make your office a sanctuary.

7 Ways to Make Your Office a Soothing Sanctuary

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1. Get rid of clutter

Clean space, clean mind. When there is constant clutter, it’s easy to begin feeling overwhelmed and stressed. This mindset can really impact your productivity at work. That’s why before you leave each night, clean and organize your office space. Toss out old papers, wipe down dust, and organize your supplies. When you come in the next day you’ll have a fresh and clean start ahead of you.

2. Bring nature indoors

Indoor plants and flowers can help your workspace feel more like a sanctuary. Plants reduce stress and enhance creativity. If you’re bound to forget to water your plants, bring in succulents. Nature in any shape or form inspires a more creative environment and eliminates stress in the workplace.

3. Control your temperature

When we’re not able to control the office thermostat our comfort level begins to fall. Bring in a little fan for those moments when it’s too hot, or a blanket to stay warm when it gets chilly outside. There’s an array of things you can do to control your temperature at the office without touching the thermostat.

4. Satisfy cravings

Keep your energy up throughout the day by always having healthy snacks on hand. Oftentimes when you get a lull in productivity, a healthy granola bar or some fruit will give you that burst of energy to keep going. Make yourself a snack drawer with healthy items that boost and maintain energy. You might also want to include some beverages as well, like Gatorade or sparkling water.

5. Home furniture over office furniture

When it comes to the furniture in your workspace, you may not have a lot of range to change things around. But if you do, look into home furniture instead of office furniture. There’s a lot of ergonomic furniture that might be just what you need to make work feel like home. For those who are a little more laid back, you could even invest in a giant beanbag chair, perfect for those times you need to feel completely relaxed and comfortable.

6. Lighten up your space

When it comes to light in the workplace, we recommend adding a personalized desk lamp to the office. Starting off the day with a warmer light, instead of the common harsh fluorescent lights can help keep your eyes from straining throughout the day.

7. Add a touch of you

In order for any of these tips to work for you, you’ll want to personalize them. Bring your own character and charisma into each space within your office. Pictures of loved ones, colors that make you happy, music that boosts your mood—whatever you can do to help make your office a sanctuary.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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