
Best Goal Setting Advice for Graduating College Students

Graduating from college is an exciting step towards adulthood. However, moving on from school can also be challenging. Staying positive and focused on your future goals can help alleviate the grueling job searching process. Spending your time wisely, staying determined, and remaining confident are all essential to achieving your goals. Below you’ll find goal setting advice for students who are looking to land their first job upon graduation.

Apply Regularly

Applying for jobs is one of the most frustrating aspects of post-graduate life. On average, it takes college graduates six months to find a job. It’s imperative to remain patient and be consistent when it comes to applying daily. Our best advice would be to sit down for a few hours a day and fill out job applications—just as if you were in class.

Stay Focused

Now that you’ve graduated from college, you’re at a point in life where you get to decide what you want to do. Dealing with rejection can be tough, but remember why you chose the major you graduated with in the first place. Don’t forget about the tough times you had in college that you eventually overcame. Chasing your career with passion will keep you motivated on the tough journey ahead.

Be True to Yourself

Once you’ve landed the interview, it’s easy to become a nervous wreck. Don’t underestimate yourself. You were invited to interview due to your impressive background, and now your potential employer wants to get to know you even better. Remain confident in yourself!

Don’t Be Afraid to Fail

As much as it hurts, failure is a necessary part of life. Throughout your job search journey, don’t shy away from taking risks. Learning from our mistakes helps us form a path that ultimately leads to achieving our dreams. Let’s say you had a fantastic interview but didn’t land the job. Instead of wondering what went wrong, reach out to the interviewer for feedback. We also recommend setting up meetings or shadowing others who work in your desired field.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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