
4 Easy-to-Implement Holiday Marketing Tips

The holidays are one of the best times to advertise and market your business—people are out searching for new things. Take advantage of the fact that people want to share and be a part of new companies, and not only that, they want to support companies they’ve been a part of before. We’ve compiled a few holiday marketing tips that will amp up your marketing strategy this year and in years to come.

4 Holiday Marketing Tips

  • Seasonal Google Ads Campaigns – Your adwords management should be one of the biggest things you focus on for your company’s marketing—especially during the holidays. Even if they don’t end up making a purchase, ad campaigns remind consumers of your business and tell them that you’re there for their future needs.
  • Diversify Your Strategy – Get creative with the different ways you promote your company. Videos are a great way to incorporate the holiday season and explain an aspect of your business. An awesome idea that will pull at customers’ heartstrings—since emotions drive action—is to take a festive video of employees thanking customers for sticking with you.
  • Customer Loyalty – This should be another tip that you pay close attention to. Even though the holidays are a great time to get new customers, don’t forget about your customers who’ve been with you. A great way to get your customers to stay loyal to you and your business is with a nice little personalized gift. You have to market to your customers, not just to consumers in general. Companies can look into using software or third-party services that will organize customer data and help them create personalized marketing messages. Now, the free gift you’re offering can change with each customer based on their purchase history. This method allows companies to cater to customers based on their interests, and in turn increase customer loyalty.
  • Social Media – There are so many different ways to utilize social media to promote your business in the way you need. If you’re selling a product, you’ll definitely want to think about doing a holiday giveaway, which engages your customers. Post about a product, gift card, or something exciting and keyed to your company to give away—in order to qualify, require customers to follow specific people, visit your website, or something similar. Make sure to post at least once a day on all of your different social media platforms so that consumers stay up-to-date on your holiday festivities and sales.


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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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