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The Most Famous Last Words Of All Time

An individual’s final words are what we ultimately remember them for. They can come to encapsulate the spirit and charm of why they have been at the forefront of the public image for years, or they can go the other way and keep everyone talking about them for years to come. Below are some of the finest and most intriguing final words to have ever been uttered…

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#1 Joe DiMaggio

With a glittering thirteen year career spent exclusively with his beloved New York Yankees, Joe DiMaggio's fame in baseball is only eclipsed by his well known love for American icon Marilyn Monroe. His fifty-six game hitting streak is a record that still stands to this day and proves his invaluable worth to the game of baseball.Β 

Last words: "I finally get to see Marilyn."

#2 Winston Churchill

Seen by many as one of the best leaders of a country in the modern age, Winston Churchill's popularity and levels of respect stretched right across the globe during his time in office as Prime Minister of Great Britain during the Second World War. For years, his persona of a steadfast, devoted and stubborn individual came to epitomise an entire nation, and it was his unwavering commitment to the cause that saw the country through its darkest hour during the summer of 1940.Β 

Last words: "Oh, I am so bored with it all."

#3 King George V of Great Britain

The monarch of Great Britain during the First World War and grandfather of the present-day Queen Elizabeth II. A quiet and somewhat socially awkward man, George's inspiration came from the fact that he seemed more like the common man than any of his predecessors and his reign is seen now as something of a bridge between the old Victorian age, and the present world we live in today.

Last words: "Bugger Bognor!" (When told by his doctor he would soon be well enough to visit Bognor Regis.)

#4 Michael Jackson

Known by millions of fans right across the globe as the undisputed 'King of Pop', Michael Jackson developed a reputation as possessing one of the most innocent and peaceful personas on the planet. His untimely death in 2009 shook the world to its core and triggered one of the biggest outpourings of grief ever known.Β 

Last words:Β "I love you too."

#5 John Sedgwick

One of the most active generals in the entire American Civil War, Sedgwick built up a reputation on both sides of the conflict as a solid and dependable leader who was well liked by his men. During the battle of Spotsylvania Court House Sedgwick would meet his end however, marking himself out as one of the highest ranking casualties of the entire war.Β 

Last words: "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance."Β 

#6 John Lennon

For many the genius mind behind The Beatles, John Lennon established himself as one of the most iconic individuals on the planet during his time in the spotlight. Carving out a highly successful solo career and showcasing the kinds of attitudes and beliefs that would speak for an entire generation even today, Lennon's untimely death in 1980 would shake the world as its tragic nature came to light...

Last words: "I'm Shot"Β 

#7 Elvis Presley

A revolutionary force to be reckoned with in his time, Elvis' legacy and popularity has remained so influential to this day that millions still regard him as the greatest musician of all time. His counter-culture approach to music set him up as a vibrant, flamboyant and new type of artist that would guide and inspire countless musicians going forward.Β 

Last words: "I hope I haven't bored you." (Final Show)

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  "Okay, I won't." (Final words in response to his wife telling him not to go to sleep in the bathroom.)

#8 Steve Jobs

A revolutionary pioneer in the electronic and digital markets, Steve Jobs' impact on the world can be seen at every single desktop on every single workplace right across the globe. His brilliant mind won him and Apple millions of fans across the world and he is responsible for almost singlehandedly saving the company from certain bankruptcy.Β 

Last words: "Oh wow."Β 

#9 Princess Diana

A true icon even now, Princess Diana's popularity as the 'people's princess' stretched further than her native Britain and won her millions of fans across the entire globe. Known for her extensive charity work just as much as her marriage to Charles, Prince of Wales, Diana's legacy remains so strongly engraved in British culture that comparisons and comments are still hung over the British monarchy to this day.Β 

Last words: "Oh God, what's happened?"

#10 Kurt Cobain

The lead singer and face of the band Nirvana and one of the pioneers of the 1990s grunge scene that emerged from the United States, Kurt Cobain's influence on the world of music made his tragic death all the more shocking when it emerged. His instantly recognisable voice and select lyrics tell the story of a troubled individual, but only add to the gravity of his creative talents.Β 

Last words: "It is better to burn out than to fade away."Β 

#11 King Charles II of Great Britain

Known as the 'merry monarch' following his reinstatement of things such as plays and sports following Oliver Cromwell's Puritan rule of Britain, Charles II was a popular and skilled monarch during his time on the throne. Ruling over a divided and torn country, his wit and unconventional approach to matters made him one of the trickiest men in the country to tie down.Β 

Last words: "Let not poor Nelly starve." (Speaking about his well known mistress Nell Gwynn.)Β 

#12 David Bowie

David Bowie was one of the most influential and long-standing artists of all time, with a successful music and film career that spanned from the late 1960s and continues to stand the test of time now. Never one to be held down by supposed creative blocks, there were very few avenues and adventures Bowie didn't explore in his time and his charm as well as his obvious talent made him a beloved star for million of fans worldwide.Β 

Last words: "Music has been my doorway of perception and the house that I live in."

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Written by James Metcalfe

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