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Discover Travel: 11 Reasons You Should Visit The Philippines

So you’re thinking of visiting the Philippines? Here are 11 reasons why saying yes to any and every offer to go to the Philippines is the right thing to do. These reasons are suggested and written by both locals and tourists

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#1 El Nido, Palawan

For those looking to connect with nature and avoid the other tourists, El Nido is an excellent option! I suggest opting for one of the eco-resorts or local residences that give a more authentic Filipino experience and cuisine. When visiting the surrounding islands, there are plenty of activities to partake in such as kayaking, snorkeling, hiking, and cave exploring.

Contributors: Alison Haselden from AlisonHaselden

#2 Mangoes

Something that you might not know about the Philippines is that they have an abundance of mango fruit! When walking through Manila or the surrounding tropical locations, it's not uncommon to see full mango trees free for visitors to pick, eat, and enjoy. Because of how common the mangos are, the fruit is used in many Filipino desserts and meals!

Contributors: Alison Haselden from AlisonHaselden

#3 Scuba Diving

Whether you're an avid diver, or want to experience the wonders of the deep blue sea for the first time, the Philippines offer some of the best ocean life and reefs in the world! In just one dive into the crystal waters you can expect to see sea turtles, sting ray, puffer fish, and countless other species. Just watch out for the sea urchins!

Contributors: Alison Haselden from AlisonHaselden

#4 Hospitality

Filipinos are one of the most hospitable people in the world. The moment you land, you are greeted by the friendliest people who can guide you through the ins and outs of the city. Cab drivers - who also speak good English - will make a conversation with you and can act as your tour guide for the rest of your ride, if you’re lucky! Wherever you go, locals have a way to make you feel at home and entertained whether it’s island-hopping on boats with other tourists or backpackers or binging on local beers and crispy pork skin (chicharron!) while singing your favorite Whitney Houston song on karaoke.

Contributors: Lyn-Lyn Melwani from 15Center

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Written by Ben Skute

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