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6 Reasons Visiting Laos Should Be On Your Bucket List

So you’re thinking of visiting Laos? Here are 6 reasons why saying yes to any and every offer to go to Laos is the right thing to do. These reasons are suggested and written by both locals and tourists

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#1 Beautiful Temples

There are a tremendous amount of beautiful temples scattered throughout Vientiane and you can easily view these as you travel the streets of the city. Phat That Luang is regarded as the most important national monument in Laos and is a national symbol. This monument is surrounded by temples and other Buddhist artifacts that are more than worth a visit.

Contributor: Taylor Haskell from International Volunteer HQ

#2 Buddha Park

Beautiful and unique sculpture park containing over 200 religious statues,influenced by a mixture of Buddhist history and Hinduistic myths.

Contributor: Taylor Haskell from International Volunteer HQ

#3 Vang Vieng

Visit Laos for Vang Viengs BEAUTY. While this former sloppy-backpacker town is mostly known for visitors getting wasted on an inner tube while floating down the Nam Song River, there’s so much more. When you look beyond the beer bottle, you’ll find a magnificent village surrounded by craggy limestone cliffs filled with caves and adventures. Viewpoints, caving, rock climbing, lagoons, and more makes Vang Vieng one of the most gorgeous spots in Southeast Asia. Come to discover not to drink!

Contributors: Nina Ragusa from Where in the World is Nina?

#4 Plain of Jars

While many skip right over Phonsavon, it’s a crying shame! There’s not much in the actual town but delving deeper on the outskirts, you’ll find the bizarre and oddly beautiful, Plain of Jars. While the use of these jars is still somewhat of a mystery, they are worth exploring! There are numerous jar sites safe and open to discover in the countryside of Laos but many have yet to be cleared of land mines as this area is also known for being the most heavily bombed place in the world!

Contributors: Nina Ragusa from Where in the World is Nina?

#5 Night Markets along the Mekong

Every evening after 6 pm this is the place to be in Vientiane! The main road, running parallel to the Mekong River, is closed to traffic for local people, along with tourists, to gather. The markets offer a wide variety of products including souvenirs, clothing and accessories, and local street foods, all in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

Contributor: Taylor Haskell from International Volunteer HQ

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Written by Ben Skute

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