
Point Kaizen: A Focal Point for Continuous Improvement

Decoding the “Point” in Point Kaizen and its evolution through the Kaizen continuum

Key Takeaways:

  1. Point Kaizen denotes the application of lean principles in discrete, unrelated areas within an organization.
  2. The evolution from Point Kaizen through Line, Plane, and Cube Kaizen represents an increasing level of Lean maturity and interconnectedness.
  3. Each stage of Kaizen maturity involves different degrees of interconnectedness and organization-wide involvement.
  4. While many organizations engage in Point Kaizen, fewer advance to Line, Plane, and Cube stages due to the increasing complexity and coordination required.

Understanding Point Kaizen

Point Kaizen is often the first step in an organization’s journey towards continuous improvement. The term “Point” signifies the implementation of lean principles in specific, discrete areas or departments within an organization. These can be completely unrelated; for instance, Lean strategies could be deployed in both the finance and marketing departments, with no connection between the two. This standalone, focused approach characterizes Point Kaizen and marks the beginning of an organization’s Lean maturity journey.

From Point to Line: Increasing Connectedness

Once Lean principles have been successfully implemented in individual points, the next stage in Lean maturity is “Line Kaizen”. Line Kaizen signifies the connectedness of these previously discrete points. In this phase, Lean principles are not only applied to a specific process or department but also extended to its downstream processes. For instance, if Lean is applied in procurement, it could then be extended to the planning department, which is upstream. This interconnected implementation forms a “Line” of Lean deployment, indicating a deeper level of organizational Lean maturity.

Expanding the Line: Plane Kaizen

Building on Line Kaizen, the next phase in the maturity model is “Plane Kaizen”. This stage involves connecting several Lean lines, similar to creating a value stream. Traditional departmental boundaries become less significant, and the organization begins to restructure itself around product families and value streams. At this stage, Lean principles are not merely scattered points or connected lines; they form a unified “Plane” across multiple departments or processes.

The Ultimate Goal: Cube Kaizen

The pinnacle of Lean maturity is “Cube Kaizen”. This stage represents a state where Lean principles are seamlessly integrated across the entire organization. No point is isolated; every process, department, and function is interconnected through Lean. Achieving Cube Kaizen means that the organization has fully embraced Lean principles, with all processes and departments working in harmony towards continuous improvement.

The Path of Kaizen Maturity

While Point Kaizen is a common practice in many organizations, the journey from Point to Cube Kaizen represents an escalating continuum of maturity. As organizations move from Point to Line to Plane to Cube, they experience a progression in Lean integration, interconnectedness, and comprehensive organizational involvement. However, this journey also brings increased complexity and coordination requirements, explaining why fewer companies progress to the stages of Plane and Cube Kaizen.

Despite the challenges, advancing through the Kaizen maturity stages offers significant rewards. It allows for more holistic and impactful implementation of Lean principles, fostering a culture of continuous improvement that permeates every level of the organization.


Point Kaizen marks the starting point of an organization’s Lean journey. However, to maximize the benefits of Lean principles, organizations should aim to progress through the stages of Line, Plane, and ultimately Cube Kaizen. Each stage signifies a deeper level of Lean integration and maturity, promoting a comprehensive, organization-wide culture of continuous improvement. The journey may be challenging, but the results—improved efficiency, productivity, and a pervasive culture of improvement—are well worth the effort.

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