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Outboarding Employees: Maximizing Departure Value for Both Employers and Employees

An Unconventional Perspective on Employee Offboarding: Transforming Goodbyes into Opportunities

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the concept of ‘Outboarding Employees’
  • The importance of a well-structured outboarding process
  • Balancing the scales: How outboarding complements onboarding
  • Impact of technology on outboarding procedures
  • Maintaining strong alumni relations for future prospects

Outboarding: Redefining the Concept of Employee Departure

Onboarding has long been recognized as a crucial step in integrating new hires into an organization. However, the converse process – outboarding – hasn’t received nearly as much attention. ‘Outboarding’ refers to the structured procedure that companies employ when an individual is about to leave the organization, either through resignation, retirement, or termination. This process involves various steps, including knowledge transfer, compliance tasks, and exit interviews, all aimed at ensuring a smooth transition for both the departing employee and the organization.

While onboarding is about welcoming, orienting, and integrating a new hire, outboarding is about providing a respectful, smooth exit that benefits both the leaving employee and the organization.

Why Outboarding Matters: Recognizing its Value

A comprehensive outboarding process carries various benefits, some less obvious than others. Firstly, it allows companies to safeguard their intellectual property by ensuring all company-related data and resources are accounted for before the employee’s departure. Secondly, outboarding provides an opportunity to gain constructive feedback from departing employees through exit interviews. Thirdly, it fosters positive alumni relations, which can result in future business opportunities, referrals, or even rehiring.

By maintaining professionalism and respect during the outboarding process, organizations can also indirectly impact their employer branding. An employee’s final impression of the company can significantly affect how they discuss their experience with others, influencing the organization’s reputation in the job market.

Balancing the Scales: Outboarding Complementing Onboarding

Just as a well-structured onboarding process helps employees reach peak performance quickly, a robust outboarding process ensures minimum disruption due to employee departure. From a psychological perspective, the manner in which an employee leaves can profoundly affect the remaining team’s morale. A rushed or negative exit may lead to reduced productivity, lower morale, or increased turnover.

Moreover, the outboarding process is a crucial platform for knowledge transfer. When employees leave, they often take invaluable experiential knowledge with them. Effective outboarding ensures that this knowledge is captured and transferred within the organization, minimizing the impact of their departure.

The Tech Influence: Incorporating Technology into Outboarding

Just as technology has revolutionized the onboarding process, it can streamline the outboarding procedure. Automated outboarding systems can handle mundane tasks such as deactivating access to company resources, helping ensure nothing slips through the cracks. Furthermore, technology can facilitate knowledge transfer through digital platforms, where departing employees can document and share their knowledge, experiences, and advice.

Beyond the Farewell: Fostering Positive Alumni Relations

Outboarding doesn’t end with the farewell lunch or the handover of company assets. It extends into maintaining positive relations with the employee even after their departure. Creating an alumni network can provide several benefits, such as business networking opportunities, new business referrals, talent referrals, and even the potential for rehiring previous employees. By treating departing employees with respect and gratitude, companies can turn a potentially challenging transition into a positive, mutually beneficial situation.


The departure of an employee, whether voluntary or involuntary, can be a challenging time for both the individual and the organization. However, an effective outboarding process can transform this transition into a positive experience for all involved. By ensuring a smooth exit, capturing and transferring knowledge, and maintaining positive alumni relations, companies can use outboarding as a tool to protect their interests and nurture future opportunities.

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