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Business Survey – New Online vs New Retail

The rapid evolution of technology has significantly impacted consumer behavior, leading to a dynamic shift from traditional retail to online shopping. New opportunities and challenges emerge in both the online and retail spheres. As an entrepreneur or business leader, it’s crucial to understand the nuances of these two distinct yet complementary business models to make informed decisions and position your company for long-term success.

This survey examines the comparative performance and user behaviors across multiple industries, focusing on the transition from new retail to new online platforms. Data and statistics are used to support the analysis, highlighting key trends and insights.

Online businesses: Advantages and challenges

Advantages of online businesses:

  • Online businesses can target a global audience, transcending geographical boundaries and providing your products or services to customers worldwide.
  • Operating an online business often requires less physical infrastructure, such as brick-and-mortar stores, which can result in significant cost savings.
  • Online businesses can more easily scale their operations to meet growing demand, as they are not limited by physical space or inventory constraints.
  • Online businesses have access to a wealth of customer data and analytics, enabling them to make informed decisions and optimize their operations.
  • Online businesses can quickly adapt to changing market conditions and consumer preferences, allowing them to stay ahead of the competition.

Challenges of online businesses:

  • The online marketplace is highly competitive, with numerous businesses vying for the attention and loyalty of the same customer base.
  • Online businesses must be vigilant in protecting their systems and customer data from cyber threats, which can be costly and damaging.
  • Efficient order processing, shipping, and delivery can be a significant challenge for online businesses, particularly for physical products.
  • Establishing a strong brand and building customer trust can be more challenging in the online environment, where personal interactions are limited.
  • Online businesses must navigate a complex web of regulations, such as data privacy laws and tax requirements, which can vary across different jurisdictions.

Retail businesses: Advantages and challenges

Advantages of retail businesses:

  • Retail businesses can provide a tactile, immersive shopping experience that allows customers to interact with products and engage with sales staff.
  • They can become hubs of local community activity, fostering relationships and building a loyal customer base.
  • Customers can take home their purchases immediately without the wait associated with online ordering and shipping.
  • Retail staff can offer customers personalized attention and guidance, tailoring the shopping experience to individual preferences.
  • Retail environments can encourage spontaneous, impulse-driven purchases that may not occur in an online setting.

Challenges of retail businesses:

  • Maintaining a physical retail space, including rent, utilities, and staffing, can be a significant financial burden.
  • Retail businesses must carefully balance their product selection and inventory levels to avoid stockouts or excess inventory.
  • They must stay attuned to evolving consumer trends and preferences, which can be challenging in a rapidly changing market.
  • Retail success is often heavily dependent on the location and foot traffic of the physical store, which can be difficult to predict and control.
  • To remain competitive, retail businesses must continuously adapt to emerging technologies, such as e-commerce and mobile shopping.

Comparative Analysis: Online vs. Retail Businesses

When comparing online and retail businesses, it’s evident that each model offers unique advantages and faces distinct challenges. The choice between the two depends on various factors, including your target market, product or service offerings, and the specific goals and resources of your business.

Online businesses have a broader geographic reach, while retail businesses are typically more localized. They generally have lower overhead costs, but retail businesses can benefit from the in-person customer experience.

What’s more, online businesses can more easily scale their operations, while retail businesses may be limited by physical space and inventory constraints. Retail businesses excel at providing a tactile, personalized shopping experience, while online businesses must focus on creating a seamless digital experience.

When it comes to adaptability, online businesses can more quickly adapt to changing market conditions and consumer preferences, while retail businesses may struggle with technological advancements.

Increasingly, successful businesses are exploring ways to integrate their online and retail operations, leveraging the strengths of both models to create a comprehensive, omnichannel approach. This can include features such as online ordering with in-store pickup, virtual try-on experiences, and seamless customer data integration across all touchpoints.

Comparative Performance and User Behavior in Multiple Industries

To further demonstrate the difference between new online and new retail, below we’ll explore 6 different industries to see how they perform both online and in physical retail stores.

Apparel and Fashion

As reported by Euromonitor, in 2023, online apparel sales accounted for 29% of the global market. Seventy-five percent of consumers preferred online shopping for its convenience and variety. E-commerce fashion sales grew by 18% year-over-year. On the other hand, physical retail stores held 71% of the market share. Sixty-five percent of consumers appreciated the ability to try on clothes and make immediate purchases. Traditional retail saw a modest growth of 3% in the same period.


In 2023, online electronics sales captured 35% of the total market. Sixty percent of users preferred online shopping due to competitive pricing and extensive reviews. The segment grew by 22% annually.

According to Reflex Solutions, brick-and-mortar stores held a 65% share. Fifty-five percent of consumers valued in-store assistance and immediate product availability. Retail electronics grew by 4% annually.


Online grocery sales represented 12% of the market. Forty-eight percent of users shopped online for convenience and delivery services, as stated by XStak. The online grocery market expanded by 20% year-over-year. Traditional grocery stores maintained an 88% market share. Seventy percent of consumers enjoyed the tactile experience and immediate product access. Physical grocery stores experienced a 2% growth rate annually.

Casino and Gaming

In 2023, the online casino market was valued at approximately $66.7 billion, accounting for 45% of the total casino market. Seventy percent of players preferred online casinos for their convenience, variety of games, and attractive bonuses. According to Slotswise, the online casino industry grew by 13% annually from 2019 to 2023, with 2 new online casinos launched on a monthly basis.

On the other hand, Land-based casinos held 55% of the market share, with a market size of about $81.6 billion in 2023. Sixty percent of players valued the social experience, ambiance, and live entertainment provided by physical casinos. The growth rate for land-based casinos was relatively stagnant, at around 2% annually.

Home Decor

Coherent Market Insights reported that online sales accounted for 25% of the home decor market. Fifty-five percent of consumers preferred online shopping for a wider selection and customization options. The online home decor market grew by 19% annually. Retail stores held 75% of the market share. Sixty percent of shoppers valued seeing products in person before purchase. The sector grew by 5% annually in traditional retail.

Health and Beauty

Online health and beauty sales captured 30% of the market. Sixty-five percent of consumers shopped online for better deals and product reviews. The online segment saw a 21% growth rate annually. According to ResearchGate, physical stores held a 70% share, with sixty-eight percent of users preferring in-store purchases for sampling products and personal consultations. Traditional retail grew by 3% annually.

The data shows a clear trend towards online shopping across various industries, driven by convenience, competitive pricing, and a broader selection. However, traditional retail still maintains a significant share, particularly in the grocery and fashion sectors, where in-person experiences and immediate product availability are highly valued. The growth rates indicate a robust expansion of online platforms, yet physical stores continue to play a crucial role in the overall market landscape.

The Future of Business Is a Blend of Online and Retail

As the business landscape continues to evolve, successful companies will be those that can seamlessly integrate their online and retail operations, leveraging the unique strengths of each model to provide a comprehensive, omnichannel experience for their customers.

The future of business will be a blend of digital innovation and human-centric experiences, where technology enhances and complements the in-person interactions that are so vital to building lasting customer relationships. By staying attuned to market trends, consumer behaviors, and the latest technological advancements, you can position your business for long-term success, whether you’re operating primarily online, in a physical retail space, or a combination of both.

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Written by Marcus Richards

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