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How To Keep Your Restaurant Staff Safe From Kitchen Hazards

If you own a restaurant, you need to keep your staff safe. How do you accomplish this? Accidents happen all the time in the kitchen. For instance, your staff may need to learn how to use a meat grinder, or perhaps they aren’t using a deep fryer correctly. No matter the issue, you must keep your restaurant staff safe from kitchen hazards. We’ll show you how below.

Train Your Staff

Training is essential when inducting new staff members. They should start training on day one, so prioritize kitchen equipment safety. Anything can happen in the kitchen. Sharp knives can cut through the skin. Deep fryers can burn. You must teach them how to use these items properly, as they are associated with several dangers.

Wear the Proper Protective Gear

Instruct your staff to wear protective gear. For instance, they should wear goggles when operating kitchen equipment that splatters grease. Cut-resistant gloves are essential for safely operating a meat slicer. Oven mitts prevent burns when moving hot items from the stove to the counter or a plate. Aprons keep hot grease from splattering on clothes. Anti-slip shoes can prevent falls, preventing employees from sustaining injuries and dropping customers’ meals.

Prevent Kitchen Fires 

We mentioned proper training, which is important for preventing kitchen fires. You don’t want to turn the heat up so high in the oven that things catch fire. Ensure your appliances are clean and well-maintained. Crumbs in a toaster or gunk in the oven can catch fire. Pay attention to your appliances. If you notice something isn’t right—like they’re making strange noises, don’t use them anymore. Instead, call a repair person to inspect the appliances. This is essential for keeping your staff safe from kitchen hazards.

Ensure your employees aren’t wearing clothing that can catch fire easily. This means possibly banning shirts with flowy sleeves, neckties, and scarves for people who spend most of their time in the kitchen. If you follow these steps, you’ll keep your staff and your restaurant safe.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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