
Top Considerations When Buying a Data Center Rack

Building a data center for your business can be difficult. There are many factors to consider, including equipment, geographical location, and, of course, the types of rack cabinets you use. So what are some of the most pertinent considerations you should make when buying a data center rack? Read on to find out. 

Seismic or Standard Racks?

Location is one of the most important factors when building a data center. There are many factors, including geopolitical circumstances and natural disasters, to consider. Because of this, rack cabinet companies have provided a novel solution to a problem that’s dogged tech companies for ages: seismic racks. Seismic racks are data cabinets that manufacturers have tested in seismic conditions within a safe location. The testing determines how well they can stack up against earthquakes. If the cabinet falls apart or fails during the test, it doesn’t go to market. However, if it does withstand the testing, manufacturers will then sell it to tech companies in high seismic activity locations.

Standard racks are racks without seismic testing. These racks won’t be able to hold up to the force of an earthquake high on the Richter Scale. The first thing you need to consider when buying a data rack is whether you need to buy a seismic rack or a standard one. If you live in an area of high seismic activity, you’ll want a seismic rack. If not, a standard rack will do just fine. Seismic racks can run fairly high. However, you don’t want to skimp to save money on your electronic equipment racks. Get what you need, and you’ll avoid any problems. 

Size and Airflow

Depending on the voltage of your equipment, it may be prone to overheating. Because of this, airflow is an important consideration when you’re trying to buy your data rack. If you don’t consider airflow, your equipment will overheat, blow out, and take all your important data with it. This is a disaster for any company. The dimensions of your rack are also important. Carefully consider these ahead of time. Make sure the measurements fit your equipment, or you’ll waste precious time trying to get a something else. Ideally, there should be enough space to promote airflow while encasing your equipment snuggly.

Floor Plans

Keep your blueprint in mind. Preplanning the organizational schema of your building is important for knowing how many cabinets you need and what kind. How will those racks fit in your room? Measure the square footage of your data center room to ensure you don’t buy too many or too few data racks for your needs. Otherwise, you might waste time and money.

In short, there are many considerations that you need to take into account when buying your data racks. However, when you consider these questions above, the process will be much easier. Heed these principals to circumvent problems associated with data racks.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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