
Camping Off-Grid: Tips To Make Boondocking Safer

For many adventure seekers, boondocking has become all the rage as you become serene with nature. However, this requires camping off-grid, which means taking a few precautions while planning your travels. Whether you’re going along with friends or family, jot down these tips to make boondocking safer so you can enjoy the beauty of nature.

Pack Survival Gear

Every perfect trip entails packing the appropriate gear, and camping off-grid is no different. Those accustomed to boondocking recommend you bring bear spray, a first aid kit, and other necessary tools. You’ll also need to bring other essentials like food and gear for planned excursions.


If you bring personal belongings like your laptop or tablet, remember to store this anytime you’re away from the campsite. It’s best you lock away these items as well as your driver’s license and other necessary documents.

Understand Where You’re Going

Another tip to make boondocking safer is understanding your location, as camping off the grid doesn’t mean picking a random spot in the wilderness. Instead, aim to stay somewhere near a campsite since it’s easier to get help if you need it. Listen to your instincts—if you notice suspicious individuals or the terrain seems dangerous, you should find a new location.

Communicate Your Plans

You should tell a trusted individual where you’re going and for how long, even if you’re traveling with others. This ensures you remain safe since someone can call for help in the event you get lost.

Keeping in touch with others may be a challenge if you’re far from civilization. You may want to look into what a cellular booster is as you find methods to communicate. You can install the booster in your car or RV to improve your cellular signal, as dense forests or mountainous terrains could otherwise weaken it.

Talk Around

Make friends on your travels, specifically with locals, as they’re the best judges on what locations are the safest. While you may initially plan to stay in one area, a local may inform you that it’s not safe due to wildlife or other reasons. If your plans change, remember to tell that trusted individual back at home!

After settling into your campsite, talk to some of your fellow campers. While the site may be safe, certain individuals may leave you feeling unsettled. On the contrary, you may have great neighbors who give you tips for the hike of a lifetime.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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