
5 Tips for Taking Care of Your Older Dog

If you had a dog as a kid, you made some fond memories. Its unconditional love is irreplaceable. Now, as an adult, you have a dog you share with loved ones. Enjoy your furry best friend as long as possible by following our five tips for taking care of your older dog.

Plenty of Exercise

Just like humans, our dogs need exercise. It doesn’t stop with age; however, the exercise routine changes a bit. Maybe your dog ran marathons with you back in its younger years, but now it’s older and gentle walks are more its speed. Help your dear pet get the exercise it needs every day, no matter its age.

A Warm Bed

As dogs age, they can develop arthritis, hip dysplasia, and aching joints. There are dog beds designed to keep an older dog warm and help relieve discomfort. Surprise your dog with a warm bed just in time for the colder months.

Home Environment

It may be time to make changes at home to make the aging process easier for your dog and the family.

Sadly, older dogs can lose control of their bladders and sometimes don’t make it outside. Installing new flooring that works well with dogs helps alleviate your frustration and the dog’s anxiety. Hardwood flooring is a great option to help during this stage of the dog’s life, and it looks beautiful.

Bloodwork and Exams

One of the most important tips for taking care of your older dog is to never miss veterinarian appointments. Regular exams and bloodwork are essential so you know how your older pup is doing. You can handle many health issues if you catch them early.

The Right Amount of Food

Your dog looks at you with those big, puppy dog eyes, and it’s hard not to give in and feed it table food or give it extra dog food. Still, stick with the diet you’ve agreed upon with your vet. Dogs will eat nonstop if you let them.

When a dog loves you, it’s easy to feel that affection. It believes you can do no wrong. Show your gratitude by doing all you can to make your older dog’s life enjoyable, healthy, and full of love.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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