
3 Fresh Ways To Boost Sales in Your Grocery Store

Are you looking for ways to increase your summer profits? Creative advertisements, clever item layout, and colorful produce sections are all great ways to generate sales and attract more customers to your store. Don’t let your grocery store become stale and boring with the same old sales and routines. Instead, liven up the shopping experience with these fresh ways to boost sales in your grocery store.

Generate Impulse Buys With In-Store Coupons

Impulse buys are a great way for grocery stores to sell more items, but how do you create more impulse buys? One surefire method is through in-store sales and coupons. Place a flier full of your weekly deals at the front of the store for customers to pick up as they enter. Include same-day coupons that your customers can use. The savings will tempt more people to search for on-sale items, even if those products weren’t originally on their lists. Alternatively, nix the coupons and instead advertise buy-one-get-one deals throughout the store. This will encourage customers to lump items together for better deals, increasing your overall sales.

Create Item Groupings

How do you decide which items to place on endcap displays? Getting creative with these end-of-aisle sections is one of the best ways to boost sales in your grocery store. Try grouping related items in these areas to create a tempting offer for your customers. For example, celebrate the arrival of summer with a display of graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate bars. Customers passing by will remember that s’mores season is upon us and feel the urge to stock up on the necessary supplies—which you’ve conveniently gathered for them.

Liven Up Your Produce Section

While some customers hesitate to place a bag of chips or a tub of ice cream in their cart, no one feels guilty about spending money on fresh fruits and vegetables. Everyone makes a stop at the produce section, so why not make yours as attractive as possible? Create colorful displays and signage showing off your wide variety of organic products or in-season favorites. Tempt customers with samples of fresh fruits or fruit-based snacks like chocolate-covered strawberries or yogurt parfaits. Additionally, try to add a variety of produce products. Instead of just selling whole carrots, sell packages of baby carrots or carrot slices for easy snacking. Reap the benefits of a commercial pineapple corer by slicing and selling fresh pineapple. Options like this make hard-to-prepare fruits and vegetables more appealing to customers.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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