
Documentaries on Netflix That Will Change Your Life

We’re still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and many people are getting stir-crazy. Life as we knew it simply isn’t an option right now, and many of us need some inspiration in our lives right now. Since you have more time at home than usual, why not take advantage of streaming services such as Netflix? Plenty of documentaries on Netflix will change your life, and no––we’re not talking about Tiger King. Continue reading to check out our list.


We’re jumping right in with a thought-provoking documentary. 13th follows the United States’ mass incarceration boom and how the 13th Amendment enabled the unfair treatment of enslaved people and, later, the unfair treatment of criminals. This documentary takes you into the “prison industry” by presenting stories from inmates. 13th will make you ask questions, and it will open your eyes to an issue you may not have been aware of.


On a lighter note, let’s talk about your stuff. Many Americans place a lot of value in their material possessions. Newsflash: life is so much more than your possessions. Minimalism takes you through the story of consumer consumption and how people have found value in getting rid of most of their possessions. After watching Minimalism, you’ll want to get rid of most of your stuff, so get some bags and boxes together now.

Forks Over Knives

If you’ve been considering a lifestyle change, Forks Over Knives will challenge you to consider a plant-based diet. With the help of scientists and nutritionists, this documentary will inspire you to ditch processed foods and to focus on healthier alternatives––particularly plant-based alternatives. Some amazing weight loss stories have come out of this documentary.

Chasing Coral

If you’re a fan of ocean life, you’ll love learning about the importance of coral reefs. However, the team of divers and scientists in Chasing Coral attempt to learn why coral reefs are disappearing throughout the world. This unreal documentary will show you the natural beauty of the ocean and make you want to plan a snorkeling trip––after COVID-19, of course.

A Plastic Ocean

On the topic of oceans, you could also watch a documentary that’ll make you rethink your recycling habits. A Plastic Ocean takes its audience through the unfortunate reality of ocean pollution and how it’s negatively affecting the environment. However, you won’t be entirely hopeless after watching this documentary—the team behind it also shares some green solutions that are proven to work. Maybe while you’re planning your snorkeling trip, you can also sign up to volunteer with one of the many ocean-cleaning organizations.

To have the best watching experience, you’re going to need to get some snacks and drinks, maybe a notebook, and a high-speed HDMI cable. Before you settle in on your sofa, check out why you should use high-speed HDMI cables—you deserve the best watching experience when you’re checking out these documentaries on Netflix that will change your life.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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